
core properties

-- sizes --

parameter set public keys signatures
NIST ‑  65 bytes 148 bytes
NIST ‑  97 bytes 224 bytes
NIST ‑ 129 bytes 292 bytes

-- performance --

Cycle counts for an optimized implementation using platform-specific assembly running on an Intel Raptor Lake CPU:

parameter set keygen signing verifying
NIST ‑   43.3 megacycles  101.6 megacycles    5.1 megacycles
NIST ‑  134.0 megacycles  309.2 megacycles   18.6 megacycles
NIST ‑  212.0 megacycles  507.5 megacycles   35.7 megacycles

Cycle counts for a pure C implementation running on an Intel Raptor Lake CPU:

parameter set keygen signing verifying
NIST ‑   84.4 megacycles  203.1 megacycles   11.3 megacycles
NIST ‑  227.9 megacycles  548.9 megacycles   30.5 megacycles
NIST ‑  402.6 megacycles 1021.0 megacycles   62.2 megacycles

Performance data for verification only using a pure C implementation, running on an ARM Cortex‑M4 CPU:

parameter set clock cycles stack usage code size
NIST ‑ 123 megacycles  31 kilobytes  40 kilobytes
NIST ‑ 375 megacycles  50 kilobytes  44 kilobytes
NIST ‑ 751 megacycles  64 kilobytes  46 kilobytes


-- NIST submission --



-- papers --




In order to cite SQIsign (round‑2 version), you may use the following BibTeX entry:
        author      = {Aardal, Marius A.  and Adj, Gora and Aranha, Diego F.  and Basso, Andrea  and Canales Mart{\'\i}nez, Isaac Andr{\'e}s  and Ch{\'a}vez-Saab, Jorge and Corte-Real Santos, Maria and Dartois, Pierrick and De Feo, Luca and Duparc, Max and Eriksen, Jonathan Komada and Fouotsa, Tako Boris and Gazzoni Filho, D{\'e}cio Luiz and Hess, Basil and Kohel, David and Leroux, Antonin and Longa, Patrick and Maino, Luciano and Meyer, Michael and Nakagawa, Kohei and Onuki, Hiroshi and Panny, Lorenz and Patranabis, Sikhar and Petit, Christophe and Pope, Giacomo and Reijnders, Krijn and Robert, Damien and Rodr{\'\i}guez-Henr{\'\i}quez, Francisco and Schaeffler, Sina and Wesolowski, Benjamin},
        title       = {{SQIsign}},
        institution = {{N}ational {I}nstitute of {S}tandards and {T}echnology},
        year        = 2025,
        url         = {https://sqisign.org},


-- authors --

(Alphabetical order.)

-- funding --
